
Certot: Kopiah

            Petang itu, mereka berdua saling berpandangan. Berdiri di muka pintu dengan mata bertentang mata. Sungguh dalam makna pandangan itu. Walaupun begitu, tiada kata yang diperlukan untuk mereka berdua saling memahami apa yang dimaksudkan di sebalik pandangan itu. Sebaik menutup dan mengunci pintu, dia membontoti lelaki yang sedang menuju ke arah bilik tidur utama rumahnya. Tidak perlu lagi dia menunjukkan jalan. Lelaki itu seperti sudah tahu selok-belok rumah yang sederhana itu. Sebaik berada di dalam, pintu bilik utama pula ditutup dan dikunci rapat. Maka, bermulalah adegan-adegan yang panas.

Ia bermula dengan satu sentuhan jari pada bibirnya. Degupan jantung semakin pantas. Semakin lama semakin dia rasa seperti perlu bernafas dengan lebih dalam lagi. Terasa lemas. Lemas dalam dosa.


            Sehingga kini tiada kata-kata yang terungkap cuma bertukar pandangan dan senyuman. Sekali lagi mereka saling berpandangan di muka pintu rumahnya. Lelaki itu menghulurkan tangannya. Dia pun menyambut tangan lelaki itu. Mereka tersenyum lalu lelaki itu beredar.

            “Ustaz! Assalamualaikum!” kedengaran suara beberapa orang kanak-kanak dari arah luar rumah. “Awal pula hari ni”, getus hati dia.
            “Ustaz buat apa dekat rumah Cikgu ni?”
            “Ada kerja sikit nak kena selesai” lelaki itu tersenyum sambil mengerling ke arah dia.
            “ooooooo…”, jawab kanak-kanak tersebut serentak.
            “Ni ada kelas tambahan ke?” lelaki tersebut memandang wajah dia.
            Terkedu seketika dia pun menjawab,” hah? Emm.. ya..”
            “ooo.. lain kali bagi tahu awal-awal. Nasib baik kerja kita siap awal tadi. Oklah, Ustaz pergi minta diri dulu. Assalamualaikum…” Kanak-kanak tadi menjawab salam lalu masuk ke dalam rumah.

Lelaki itu sempat memandang dia dengan tajam lalu mengenyitkan mata sebelum berjalan ke arah kereta Honda City berwarna biru miliknya. Dia cuma mampu tersenyum.  

Sebelum menutup pintu dia sempat melihat lelaki itu menyarungkan kopiah putih di atas kepalanya. Dia masuk ke dalam rumah. Dia tunduk dan tersandar pada pintu, lalu terdetik dalam hati ingatan pada Pencipta sekalian alam. Lalu dia beristighfar. Astaghfirullah. Moga Tuhan yang Maha Penyayang dan Maha Mengasihi mengampuni dosa hamba-Nya yang lemah ini. Amin. 


Certot: The Cafe

The Café
                It was at this very spot you and I first went on our so called date. Your eyes, your nervously blinking eyes. Your smile, that crooked smile you make when I caught you staring at me. Your hands, hands that just can’t stop twitching. Your leg, your legs that just won’t stop moving. Side to side, up and down. I remembered all of that. Its as if you are still here. But I know the fact that we are no longer together. I have to move on. I have to move on while carrying this memory. Can I do it? You can. Surely, I can too. It wont be fair to say that you have forgotten those memories we have together.
                After so long, I thought I had moved on. But seeing you tonight still made my heart beats as fast as it beats the first time I laid my eyes on you. The difference now is you’re not with me. Silly, I am and I know it. Why do I even go to this café anymore? I could have just look at your photo or listen to your voice in my voicemail or even look at our stupid videos we made together on you birthday. I don’t even know how to answer that.
                I caught you glancing at me from the other table from the other side of the room. Instead of you being shy. It was I who felt that way. I tried to smile but obviously failed. Took a deep breath and stood up. Trying to be poise and took my purse into my clasp. Just walk.. just walk.. he wont notice. Slowly I made my way to the cashier.
                As I about to reach the counter, I felt someone took my hand from behind. So, I turn around and it was you. I was speechless and what you said after took my breath away.
                “You know that im not really here, right? All of this is just in your head.. stop this..”
I stopped breathing and everything went dark..


Book Review: Pakar by Nadia Khan

This was the first book that i have read this year.. I know..i know..its like whaaattt??? i used to read a lot.. take note its in past tense.. haha.. ok.. well.. thank you to Nadia Khan's Pakar.. and also to one of my friend who introduce me to this... 

Ok.. lets start.. from the beginning the story manage to catch my attention by giving a different vibe.. as i started to read, i got the feeling that the idea of the story is very different.. unique.. not usual to what i used to ready before.. so i kept on reading and the plots got very twisted here and there.. there are a few times that i tried to guess what will happened next but i wasn't surprised if i got it all wrong.. the writer manage to mage the story seem predictable but then it turns around and surprise me.. although the stories inside (yes.. there are two story inside) are relatively short.. but it was well written... #thumbsup 

so for me the book is suitable for leisure.. just a very light and yet still exciting to the heart..

its a 3.8 out of 5 star.. :)

Thank you and Happy Reading..

Book Review: Kelabu by Nadia Khan

One word that i could think of to describe this book is WOW! Soooo...let cut the chase, and go straight to the review of this book.

Well as a reminder, i am not some professional book reviewer or some kind (does it really exist??) i am just an ordinary reader..a commoner.. a student.. So i do not have any knowledge or what so ever regarding literary things and stuff.. i am merely expressing how i feel.. what i feel.. and my opinion about the book... if what i think is not to your favour..it is ok to feel so..because each different individuals have their own perspective about the world around..

Ok..well to begin, i read this book after i have read her (Nadia) latest book which is entitled "Pakar" (which i will do a review on after this) ... Pakar is the book that made me want to read more from her. Okay, lets put Pakar aside for a while and focus!.

Kelabu started off very relax and casual. It suits the readers nowadays whereby they can relate to the situation and everything. i think this is an important thing as the whole story itself holds a very heavy theme. if the writer were to write the story differently i dont think it would be as interesting as Kelabu now. So a big thumbs up there! *wink*

The story line is very interesting, it seems to be as normal as it is... but then Bang! it hits you in the face just like that! the climax of the story leaves a very prominent effect on me...i didnt expect it to be that way (well duhhh.. thats the point...) and the most exciting part is it doesnt stop there... Kelabu manage to hit me not only once but a few times! and i like it.. (FYI.. not a masochist..) so another thumbs up for the writer.. Kelabu manage to get me to want to keep on reading.

In between the story the writer manage to slip simple yet deep messages withing the lines. It was not too much. it was just nice and just at the right moment.

I love the way she sees life...because it had a lil bit of similarities to how i perceived life should be... (it had quite an impact to me too...)

i was happy and satisfied with the ending and the whole story... for someone who has not been reading for quite some time (like me..hehhee...) i would definitely recommend this book.. it can give you the jolt that you need to wake up... a little heavy on the pages but its worth it!!

out of 5 stars.. it would definitely be an easy 5...

p.s: each book is very unique and special.. stars are giving not by comparing it to other book but as its own...

That would be all for now.. any comments, suggestions or anything.. you can comment below..

Thank You and Happy Reading...



A few weeks ago someone had viewed my very dusty and old blog..this blog to be exact (well, this is the only blog i have..LOL). 

That someone had suggested me to start writing again.. i said i don't know what to write in here anymore.. the phase where i was a famous blogger wannabe is way behind... so i don't think it would be a great idea. 

Then, almost during the same time that person suggested me to start writing again, i was into some books..i love to read..its just that these past few years my passion for reading faded due to whats happening around me..so i guess this might be the right time to start a new chapter in reading... 

So came the idea of sharing what i have read to anyone (probably no one.. ) it will be a good sharing.. im sure.. take note...im not a professional book reviewer or some kind.. im just a normal common reader..giving his opinion about a book that had been read... so it might differ from other people's view.. how how they see  it...(or actually read it kan?). 

So, i have read a few books recently...probably i'll start with one and we'll see how it goes.. :)
