
Book Review: KL Noir White

So i have read the first book of the KL Noir.. KL Noir Red and then afterwards i read the second one which is KL Noir White... i have just finished reading it and i have to say i loved it sooo much.. it wont be fair to change or to compare it to another book but i just cant help it.. i have to say it was much better that Red... the stories inside were much darker and were more in tune with me *giggles*...

There are 18 stories in the book and i have no mean to be bias but Nadia Khan is one of the writer! awwwuuummm... hahaha.. but in this book i might also find a new favourite writer..hahaha..  it was a very interesting and exciting journey reading this because the stories never failed to surprise me (reminder: my mind is a very simple organism even the simplest thing can excite me...LOL)

i could relate to some of the stories there being in the KL environment and all i have some sort of understanding and views on the issues that had been brought up in the stories.. so i guess this will be a good reading material for those who have been living in kl or have experience the KL scenes...

for this book i think i will give it a 5 star just because i like it so much! next im putting my hands on the next edition of the KL Noir which is Blue..im not gonna put any sort of expectations.. im just going to be neutral.. but can i? be neautral? hahaha.. well see...

good luck and have fun reading..


Book Review: KL Noir Red

Finally i finished reading this and to my surprise i really like it... well, to be honest i was getting a bit sleepy in the beginning of the book.. about 2 or 3 story.. but the towards the middle it started to get really interesting.. new ideas.. new story line.. twisted plot and everything.. i know its a compilation short stories but i like it.. some might not favor it but its ok.. different people has different opinion and taste.. i dont have a favourite story because i like them all.. wont be fair to only favor a few.. haha.. 

i have lived in KL for a few years now so i guess the setting and scenarios in the story isnt foreign to me.. and yet it still gives the effect of mystery to it.. does that even make any sense? haha.. i would say around 4 stars out of 5 for this book.. 

im on to the next book of the KL Noir..White so i dont know what to expect in this book.. so im just going to read and enjoy it.. while im still on holiday.. sooooo yeah.. 

for those who seek to read something weird but not too weird.. light but still challenging to the mind (well... at least my mind was challenge.. hahaha..) this would be a nice book to add to your shelves.. :) 

Good luck and Happy reading..  


Multiple book at one time...

At first i dont think it is even possible to do this.. but after watching some videos on Youtube i found a way for you to read maybe 2 or 3 books at one time.. for the time being im reading 2 books and listening to 1 audiobook..so its a total of 3 books..

what i do and this is based on the suggestion of a few videos in Youtube, during the time that i cant actually sit down and read i would listen to the audiobook... then 1 of my book is a compilations of a few short stories so i dont really have to stick to it for a very long time..i can just read one of the short story and leave it..so i alternate between the 2 physical book im reading.. this way can help me not feeling confused with the different stories..

so i guess it is possible to do this.. but hey.. there isnt anything wrong about focusing on one book at one time.. take care and good luck.. happy reading.. 


Book Review: Horrorstor by Grady Hendrix

Personally i havent read a horror story with the setting such as this.. usually its a scary old house.. those common places..but with this book it's setting is very odd not the usuall.. which i like.. 

the way the writer writes seems a bit sarcastic here and there and also the words are ironic.. which i really enjoyed! i like the way he described things around giving life to objects around the story.. 

i might say its not really a scary usually kinda ghost thing..for me its more like a thriller ghost fighting stuff more like ghost busters.. but at the same time he also speaks of life and personal struggle..

the story speaks of a lot of yucky stuff... ergh.. i can still see it in my mind the slime and eeeuuwww stuff.. molds on the walls.. ergh.. 

although the idea of the story is interesting.. but the story is lack of the suspense.. maybe its just my perception and expectation...i was probably hopping for something else but then i got into something else..but still i like it.. its a lil bit light on the depth of the story but its ok.. im not into something too heavy nowadays..

all i can say is its a solid 4 star on this.. *wink* 


Book Review: The Hangman by Louise Penny

Hello there.. its been quite sometime since i did my last review..because i was looking for material to read.. and i havent got the chance to get a hold of a new book..so i went through my Overdrive app and borrowed a book from the local library here..

I discovered that i dont really like reading non-fiction..thats maybe why i cant keep myself from reading biographies and such.. unless i really want to..but any who.. i decided to pick a book from the horror genre..and i ended up with this short story..

The Hangman by Louise Penny...

this book tells a story about investigation done by Detective Gamache..i think thats how to spell his name..also there are a few other books just as this one.. involving the same main character... 

for this book i really like the fact that its short.. for the time being i am not really into really long book..so this one did the trick.. im not cheating im still reading books but im reading short one.. haha.. 

the story line is ok.. because of the length of the story i sense a bit of a rush in the story.. but it develop well.. and i was able to cope with it.. it had a good ending which i didnt expect at all!! and the twisted plot and information inter twine and all is good.. and i like it.. wasnt really something too heavy.. its light but still you can enjoy... its relatively short.. so this might just be a story for a journey somewhere.. on the bus.. on the plane.. with my speed of reading i was able to finish this in a day.. morning to night.. for some i think its might be in just a few hours.. depending on the person reading.. so i think this would be suitable for someone who just wanted something to read.. and not ponder long afterwards.. 

i surely will try to borrow some other episodes if i may say..for this ill give it a 4.. just because its a nice book.. :) 

ah.. and currently i am reading Horrorstor..i will write a review as soon as i finish this very interesting story.. 


Certot: Gegar

Di sebuah bilik yang di penuhi dengan suis dan butang pelbagai warna yang setiap satu ada fungsi masing-masing. Seorang lelaki sedang sibuk menekan papan kekunci sambil melihat skrin komputer riba yang mempunyai logo buah yang menjadi kegilaan ramai di luar sana. Raut wajahnya jelas menunjukkan bahawa dia sedang panik. Sambil dia menekan-nekan papan kekunci tersebut dia beralih seketika kepada kertas-kertas yang ada di tepi. Nafas semakin kencang. Dia tahu kalau silap sikit memang nahas. 

"apa yang dah jadi?!" seorang lelaki berjanggut lewat 40an tapi masih boleh di kira tampan masuk ke dalam bilik tersebut. 
"Encik, saya minta maaf. Saya dah buat apa yang encik suruh tapi saya terlelap sekejap. Masa tu saya bacaan pun..." belum sempat dia menghabiskan ayatnya lelaki yang masuk tadi pantas menolak dia ke tepi. Sepantas kilat jari jemarinya pula menekan-nekan papan kekunci. macam nak pecah! Mata nya juga laju melirik ke hadapan. Terdapat beberapa monitor yang menunjukkan spesimen yang menjadi bahan uji kaji mereka hampir 2 dekad itu. Beberapa minit kemudian barulah kedengaran nafas lega.
"Macam mana encik? semua dah ok?" tergagap-gagap lelaki itu bercakap. 
"for the time being, yes...i can say so..but it might continue in a few hours..we manage to stabilize her..."  lelaki berjanggut itu menjawab tenang. Dia mengambil tempat duduk di salah satu kerusi di sana. Dia memandang tepat lelaki yang sepatutnya bertanggungjawab menjaga tempat itu pada hari cutinya. Satu-satunya hari cuti untuk dia berehat setelah sekian lama terpaksa dilupakan dek kerana kejadian ini. Tapi tak apa, asalkan bumi tercinta, tanah tumpah darahnya selamat. 

Tiba-tiba seorang wanita masuk ke dalam bilik tersebut. Baju hitam aras lutut yang ketat membaluti tubuh wanita yang nampak masih mengancam walaupun sudah melewati umur 30an. 
"is everything okay?" pantas dia melangkah dengan cermat menghadap monitor-monitor yang ada sambil berpeluk tubuh. Elegan. Poise. Dia memandang lelaki yang berjanggut tadi meminta jawapan tanpa berkata apa-apa. Jelingan matanya sahaja sudah cukup. 

"Semua ok," lelaki itu mengenyitkan matanya sambil tersenyum senget. Wanita itu tidak memberikan respon. Dia berpusing lalu meninggalkan bilik tersebut. Tapi sebelum dia menutup pintu dia sempat berpesan," i want a full report on this Monday morning on my desk...you have done enough damage..at least spare me some of you time..ergh i hate reporting to the Board...keep that her calm..do your work!"

lelaki yang ketakutan tadi berpaling ke arah lelaki berjanggut,"apa maksud dia?" tanya dia perlahan.
"kan dia tantrum tadi.. bergegar la.. Sampai bandar pun rasa. Mata lelaki tersebut terbeliak. Cepat-cepat dia mencapai telefon bimbitnya. Mukanya seakan hendak menangis. Lelaki berjanggut itu tahu apa yang dia risaukan. Dia pun berjalan meninggalkan lelaki tersebut. 

"huh! nasib baik tak ada apa-apa..." lelaki tersebut tersenyum dia tahu yang keluarga rakan sekerjanya itu selamat. Tiba-tiba dia teringat sesuatu yang hampir menyebabkan dia sakit jantung.

"emm.. hari ni berapa hari bulan?" tanya dia pada lelaki yang baru sahaja manamatkan panggilan telefonnya. 
Dia melihat jam tangan Swatch hitamnya, " 5 hari bulan. Kenapa encik?" belum sempat dia mendapat jawapan lelaki berjanggut itu sudah pun meninggalkan bilik tersebut. Sambil berlari kolam air matanya mula bergenang. Hatinya tidak henti-henti memanjatkan doa agar puteri kesayangannya selamat. 

Gegaran demi gegeran masih lagi terasa.


Certot: T huruf kecil


Kedengaran bunyi lagu-lagu kerohanian dari dalam rumah teres yang telah di hias dengan perhiasan yang bertemakan hari natal itu.

"eh? marilah masuk. Kau nak duduk dekat luar je ke?" tanya Syaz sambil membetulkan tudung labuh yang baru sahaja dibelinya itu.
"emm..aku bukan apa tapi kau tau kan.." jawab Nurul sambil bermain hujung rambut blonde nya itu. Jelas kedengaran dia ragu-ragu dengan keputusannya untuk datang.
"tahu apa? eh, apa ko merepek ni?" 
"alah, benda 't' tu laaa.." Nurul menjawab sambil menulis huruf t kecil di udara.
"ish..tak ada apa-apa laaa.. ko ni aku dah banyak kali datang rumah dia.. ok jeee.." Syaz mencekak pinggang gaya mak cik- mak cik bercakap.
"hah?! ye ke?! ko biar betul?" terbeliak mata Nurul mendengar penjelasan Syaz. "ko masih.. emm..emm.. is..iss..." belum sempat Nurul menghabiskan ayatnya Syaz menyampuk.
"Astagfirullah.. Mana akidah kau?!" Nurul terdianm..



Certot: Lelaki. Wanita.

Lelaki. Wanita.

“Ye sayang, dalam pukul 10 abang balik.” Lelaki itu tersenyum ke arah wanita yang duduk di hadapannya. Wanita itu juga sedang menjawab panggilan.

“sayang minta maaf tapi tula terpaksa balik lambat sikit.” Wanita itu pula membalas senyuman lelaki itu tadi.

Mereka sama-sama menamatkan panggilan tersebut. Lelaki itu memegang tangan wanita itu.

“Abang gembira sayang setuju untuk buat perkara ini bersama-sama.” Wanita itu tersipu malu. Lelaki itu ketawa kecil.

Melepaskan keluhan di dada, mereka menyambung makan malam yang terganggu dek kerana pasangan mereka masing-masing yang menunggu di rumah. Suasana romantis di dalam restoran eksklusif itu sungguh mengasyikkan pasangan tersebut. Tanpa mereka sedari mereka sedang diperhatikan.

Pelik. Hujan yang turun dengan lebatnya tidak menghalang mereka berdua untuk terus berdiri di sana memerhatikan pasangan yang sedang gembira menikmati makan malam mereka di dalam restoran tersebut. Tajam pandangan mereka.

“kau pasti ini yang patut kita buat?” tanya lelaki tersebut pada wanita itu.

                “pasti”, tanpa memandang lelaki itu dia menjawab dengan yakin,”jom”. Lelaki itu pun mengangkat beg berwarna hitam yang diletakkan di sisinya. Dia pun berjalan ke arah restoran berkenaan. Dia baru melangkah pergi tangannya terasa seperti di pegang. Dia menoleh kebelakang. Mata bertentang mata.

                “aku gembira kau setuju untuk buat perkara ni bersama-sama.” Wanita itu tersenyum. 


Book Review: Babi Bercinta Di Balik Api by Azwar Kamaruzaman


1. sj binatang mamalia yg berbadan gemuk, berkaki pendek, berkulit tebal, dan bermuncung (diharamkan bagi orang Islam); 2. bk kata makian yg digunakan kerana marah (sangat benci akan seseorang, sesuatu, dsb); 3. nama kartu (dlm permainan ceki); ~ alu tenuk; ~ balar babi putih; ~ bodoh = ~ janggut sj babi, Sus barbatus; ~ duyung sj binatang laut yg bentuk badannya menyerupai babi; ~ hutan babi yg liar; ~ laut sj binatang laut yg berbulu-bulu; ~ nangoi sj babi hutan yg kecil; ~ rantai = ~ tunggal babi hutan yg tidak berkawan; ~ rusa sj babi hutan yg bertaring panjang, Babyrousa babyrussa; ~ tanah sj binatang kecil yg makan semut; bagai ~ merasa gulai prb dikatakan kpd orang yg hendak menyama-nyamai orang besar (kaya dll); membabi; ~ jalang berzina, bermukah.

Tiada kaitan pun definisi babi di atas dengan buku yang baru jak aku baca beberapa hari yang lepas.

oklah..aku rasa apa yang aku buat ni bukanlah review ka apa kan sebenarnya? Because i dont really follow any review writing rules or what so ever... so i would say that this is more of like a.. emm.. how to say.. personal opinion.. i think that would be much appropriate..

baiklah... aku pernah nampak kawan-kawan dulu baca buku ni... bagi aku muka depan dia jak pun sudah cukup untuk menarik perhatian aku... Perkataan BABI itu membuatkan aku tertanya-tanya apa sebenarnya cerita di sebalik tajuk ini... simple and it works!

as for the story.. i like the way the writer pieces the story together... its here and there and the way he wanted to emphazise on the character in each of his or her own story is nice.. (atleast thats what i think he's trying to do..LOL) and its complicated and twisted, definitely. which is one of the reason why i like the book..! 

the idea of the book is very new to me.. i feel the sense of realism in the story.. i might not really know how it feels to be any of the characters in the story but the way the persona tells the story is believable..it doesnt seem phony.. i like that.. it helps the reader to relate things to themselves in some way.. 

the content is averagely heavy.. not too much but not too leisurely.. it still makes your mind think.. so thats another point to add.. haha.. 

one thing that isnt really to my favour is the ending.. is like a double edge sword.. for me its good and bad at the same time.. i'll start will the bad part first.. it leaves the reader hanging! for me.. i dont anyone else.. i just hope for some ending! or at least something that make me thing what or guess what will happened.. haha..but then again.. the way the writer leaves the ready hangs is kinda nice too.. i still make my own assumptions of what the characters in the story will do.. and also what will happened to them..

soooooo... overall..i like this book.. its an idea that i think is very bold and interesting! Thumbs up! get ur self a copy of this and enjoy!

Certot: Pilih


Tok! Tok! Tok!

Maya kaku setelah dia membuka pintu. Perlahan-lahan matanya meneliti orang yang berdiri di hadapannya. Dia tidak dapat menyembunyikan raut wajahnya jelas menunjukkan bahawa dia sangat terkejut.

"Apa kau buat dekat sini?" tanya Maya kehairanan.
"Tu la.. Aku pun tak tahu sebenarnya..tau..tau je aku dah ada sini..Ajaib kan?!" benda yang kelihatan seperti teman baiknya, Fana itu memberi penjelasan dengan penuh rasa teruja.
"emm.. masuk lah.. duduk dulu.. aku pegi ambil air kau mesti penat.." Fana tersenyum lalu masuk dan duduk di atas sofa tempat mereka berdua sering berkongsi gelak-tawa.

Fana bagai tidak percaya bahawa dia sudah hidup kembali. Kini, bolehlah dia bersama dengan keluarganya semula. Suami dan anak-anak yang dia rindukan. Alangkah indahnya. Fana tersenyum sendiri. Maya datang membawa talam. Wajahnya tidak menunjukkan sebarang perasaan. Fana cuba mengawal dirinya. Dia tak mahu Maya merasakan dia gila. Nanti kena halau susah pula.

"Maya, kau apa khabar? Sihat?" Fana cuba untuk menjernihkan keadaan yang sungguh mengelirukan itu.
"Pilih..." Maya tidak menjawab persoalan Fana lalu memandang ke arah lain. Maya mula berjalan kehulu-kehilir. Gementar. Gusar. Tidak tenang.


"Apa semua ni Maya?" Fana kehairanan.
"Eh, ko jangan nak pura-pura la! Aku dah selesaikan kau dulu! Kenapa kau datang lagi?! Kami bahagia sekarang tolong la terima hakikat ni!"

Fana melihat bingkai gambar yang tergantung di dinding. Dia faham. Fana menghembuskan nafasnya. Tidak seperti yang dirancang. Dia memandang wajah Maya. Dia nampak ketakutan dalam matanya.

"Baiklah..." Fana pun membuat pilihan, "aku pilih yang ni..." berat rasa hatinya.
"Excellent choice.." Maya merapati Fana," tak sakit..aku janji...tiap-tiap tahun kita buat ni... kau mesti dah biasa.."

 Maya tersenyum.